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Learning Objectives

  1. List the structures of the prokaryotic & eukaryotic genomes.
    Prokaryotic genomes

    • large chromosome
    • smaller plasmids

    Eukaryotics genomes

    • pairs of chromosomes in nucleus
    • circular chromosome in mitochondria
    • circular chromosome in chloroplasts
  2. Explain what is meant by homologous chromosomes.

    • "matching" pairs of chromosomes
    • contain the same genes at the same position
    • one chromosome from the mother
    • one chromosome from the father
  3. Distinguish genes and alleles.
    Alleles are different versions of the same gene.

  4. Explain how diploid & haploid cells are different from one another and give examples of each.
    diploid cells

    • 2 of each chromosome
    • 1 chromosome from each parent

    diploid cell example

    • somatic cells


    • cells have 1 of each chromosome

    haploid cell example

    • gametes
  5. Differentiate between chromosomes, sister chromatids, and chromatin. chromosomes

    • a threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein
    • found in the nucleus of most living cells
    • carries genetic information in the form of genes.

    sister chromatids

    • identical copies (chromatids)
    • formed by the DNA replication of a chromosome
    • both copies joined together by a common centromere


    • make up chromosomes
    • consists of protein, RNA, and DNA
  6. List the parts of the cell cycle in order.
    cell cycle

    1. interphase
    2. mitotic phase


    1. G1 Phase
    2. S Phase
    3. G2 Phase

    mitotic phase

    1. prophase
    2. prometaphase
    3. metaphase
    4. anaphase
    5. telophase
    6. cytokinesis
  7. Describe what occurs during each stage of the cell cycle.

    G1 Phase

    • first gap
    • lttle change is visible
    • the cell is accumulating
      • building blocks of chromosomal DNA
      • associated proteins
      • energy reserves

    S Phase

    • formation of sister chromatids
    • each chromosome is made of two sister chromatids and is a duplicated chromosome
    • the centrosome is duplicated
    • the two centrosomes will give rise to the mitotic spindle
  8. Describe what occurs during each phase of mitosis.

  9. Identify each phase of mitosis in images.

  10. Explain what occurs during cytokinesis.

  11. Explain why it is important to regulate the cell cycle.

  12. Describe the importance of checkpoints in general and specifically the M checkpoint.

  13. Explain how factors internal and external factors (e.g., cell density, & anchorage dependence) can impact cell division.

  14. Explain how the growth of cancer cells is different from the growth of normal cells.