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Lecture 8

prokaryotic genomes

  • large chromosome
  • smaller plasmids

eukaryotics genomes

  • pairs of chromosomes in nucleus
  • circular chromosome in mitochondria
  • circular chromosome in chloroplasts

homologous chromosomes

  • "matching" pairs of chromosomes
  • contain the same genes at the same position
  • one chromosome from the mother
  • one chromosome from the father

alleles different versions of the same gene

diploid cells

  • 2 of each chromosome
  • 1 chromosome from each parent

diploid cell example

  • somatic cells

somatic cells include all cells EXCEPT gametes


  • cells have 1 of each chromosome

haploid cell example

  • gametes


  • a threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein
  • found in the nucleus of most living cells
  • carries genetic information in the form of genes.

sister chromatids

  • identical copies (chromatids)
  • formed by the DNA replication of a chromosome
  • both copies joined together by a common centromere


  • make up chromosomes
  • consists of protein, RNA, and DNA

cell cycle

  1. interphase
  2. mitotic phase


  1. G1 Phase
  2. S Phase
  3. G2 Phase

mitotic phase

  1. prophase
  2. prometaphase
  3. metaphase
  4. anaphase
  5. telophase
  6. cytokinesis

G1 Phase

  • first gap
  • lttle change is visible
  • the cell is accumulating
    • building blocks of chromosomal DNA
    • associated proteins
    • energy reserves

S Phase

  • formation of sister chromatids
  • each chromosome is made of two sister chromatids and is a duplicated chromosome
  • the centrosome is duplicated
  • the two centrosomes will give rise to the mitotic spindle