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Homework Answers

Identify which phase of mitosis is described by each of the statements below.
This is the phase when the sister chromatids are detached from one another.
This is the phase when a new nuclear membrane begins to form around the divided chromosomes. Metaphase
This is the phase when the chromosomes line up along the center of the cell.
This is the phase when DNA condenses into chromosomes. This is the phase when the nuclear membrane begins to break down. \

Which kind(s) of cells store genetic information in plasmids?
Only prokaryotic cells

Which of these images shows a cell in metaphase? metaphase

Which of these images shows a cell in prophase? prophase

Which of these is NOT a part of Interphase?
The M phase

The condensed form of DNA that is seen when a cell prepares to divide is called ______? chromosomes

There are multiple checkpoints that a cell must pass through in order to divide.
Which checkpoint "checks" the external environment to determine if there would be enough nutrients available for a new cell to grow?
The G1 checkpoint

A cell that has two copies of each chromosome is considered

True or false?
Non-cancerous cells must be attached to a growth surface to undergo mitosis.

Human sperm cells are an example of a _______ Human sperm cells are ______ cells.
gamete, haploid

Put the phases of a cell's life cycle in order, from "birth" to division. Birth (when a new daughter cell is formed)
G1 phase
S phase
G2 phase
M phase

True or false?
If the cell density is high (a.k.a. cells are tightly squeezed together), cancerous cells will still divide.

Which of these is NOT a part of Interphase? The M phase

A cell that has one copy of each chromosome is considered

______ are pairs of chromosomes, each inherited from a different parent.

There are multiple checkpoints that a cell must pass through in order to divide.
Which checkpoint "checks" for the presence of growth factors in the environment around the cell? The G1 checkpoint

Which kind(s) of cells have pairs of chromosomes?
Only eukaryotic cells

True or false? Without external growth factors, non-cancerous cells will NOT undergo mitosis. True

There are multiple checkpoints that a cell must pass through in order to divide.

Which checkpoint "checks" to see if the chromosomes in a dividing cell accurately attached to the mitotic spindle proteins? The Metaphase checkpoint

Human muscle cells are an example of a ________
somatic cell

Human muscle cells are ______ cells.

During which phase do cells duplicate their organelles (to prepare for division)?
The G2 phase

Most of the cells in the human body (besides the reproductive cells) are considered
somatic cells

The loose, stringy form of DNA seen in the nucleus of a cell is called

Human neurons are an example of a ______.
Human neurons are _____ cells.
gamete, haploid

Which kind(s) of cells use DNA as their genetic information molecule?
Both prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells