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Managing people

  • managing people working as indiviuals and in groups

  • people are an organizations most important assets

  • like herding cats

problem solving

  • Requires the integration of differnt types of knowledge

  • development of a model of the solution and testing of this model against the problem

  • representation of this model in an appropriate notation or programming language

Management activities

  • Problem solving

  • motivating

  • planning

  • estimating

  • controlling

  • organizing


  • Motivation is compleex issue but it appears that there are different types of motivation based on:
    • basic needs (e.g. food, sleep, etc.)
    • personal needs (e.g. respect, self-esteem)
    • social needs (e.g. need to be accepted by group)

Human needs hierarchy

  • esteem needs (What i do is what i like to do)
  • social needs (being accepted within a company, and recognizing people)
  • safety needs (have to have job security e.g. will i have this job in 1 year?)
  • physiological needs ($ amounts)

(humans are run by 2 emotions, greed and fear)

x-axis part

Personality type

  • the needs hiearchy is almost certainly an over simplifcation

3 types

  • Task oriented
    • the motivation for doing the work is the work itself
  • Self-oriented.
    • The work is a means to an end which is the achievement of individual goals - e.g. to get rich, to play tennis, to travel etc.
  • Interaction-oriented
    • The principal motivation is the presence and actions of co-workers. People go to work because they like to go to work

(good team is not a lot of good players

Group working

  • most software engineering is a group activity

    • the development schedule for most nontrival software projects is such that they cannot be completed by one person working alone
  • group interaction is a key determinate of group performance

  • Flexibility in group composition is limited

    • managers must do the best they can with available people

(anytime you get upset with someone, just dont say anything for 5 minutes)

Group leadership

  • leadership depends on respect not title or status

  • there should be both a technical and a managerial leader

  • a career path based on technical competence should be supported

( in SWE its looked down uppon when you go from manager to developer )

Group comunication

  • Essential to have good communication
  • Information must be exchanged on the status of work, design decions and changes to previous decisions
  • good communications also strengthens group cohesion as it promotes understanding

group organization

  • software engineering group size should be < 8 memebers

  • break big projects down into multiple smaller projects

  • small teams are more democratic

  • Chief programmer teams try to make the most effective use of skills and experiences

choosing & keeping people

  • appointment decisions are usually based on

    • information provided by the candidate (their resume)
    • information gained at an interview
    • recommendations from other people who know the candidate
  • Some comapnies use psychological or aptitude test

    • no agreement on whether or not these tests are actually useful

working enviornments

  • physical workplace provsions has an important effect on people

  • comfort

  • privacy

  • facilities

  • lighting heating

  • furnature

CML Capability Maturity model

  • five stage model
    • inital: ad-hoc people management
    • repeatable: policies devleoped for cability improvement
    • defined: standaridized people management across org.
    • managed: quantitative goals for people
    • optimized: contiuous focus on improving individual competence and workforce motivation