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Cloud Computing

Topics covered

  • By product of distributed systems
  • What is cloud
  • Could types
  • Service models
  • future


  • Cloud computing was inspired by the cloud symbol that is used to represent the network and internet diagrammatically.
  • Cloud computing is a paradigm shift following the shift from mainframe to client-server in the 1980s

Cloud computing:

  • Is internet-based computing
  • where shared resources, software, and information are provided to compputers and other devices on DEMAND
  • Like the electricity grid. That is you pay for the service as you need them
  • (i.e. pay-for-what-you-use model)
    • sold on demand by minute/hr
    • a user can use as much or as little as wanted
    • service is fully managed by the provider

Cloud has to have 3 things (important)

  • Internet based
  • On demand
  • Pay-for-service

The cloud structure

Look at slides for picture

Cloud computing term

  • The term "Cloud computing" refers to both the cloud and also the services offered by the vendors;
  • Such services provide:
    • Reliability: the large scale of the cloud brings resilience to downtime and improves availability;
    • Elasticity: can be easily sccaled up and / or down as an answer to demand;
    • Affordability: payment is flexible, based on flat rate, usage levels, pay per user, or a combination of these.

Cloud types

  • Public: delivery of resources and services through the internet. free or subsrctipion-based
  • private: exclusive use by a single organization
  • hybrid: Mix of the previous two. regualr workloads use of private cloud augmented by public loud resources when needed

cloud service models

  • Cloud computing is a general term for anything involves delievering hosted serivces over the internet

Types of service models: (important)

  • Infastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)
  • Platform-as-a-serivce (PaaS)
  • Software-as-a-serivce (SaaS)

Infastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)

  • Delievers IT resources on demand, over the internet
  • E.g. Amazon web services, Microsoft Azure, DigitalOcean

Advantages ( know 1)

For the provider:

  • Less dependency on a single or few customers
  • Revenue is less volatile
  • Consolodation of infastructure
  • Easy to provide tranining to support teams.

For the user:

  • Fast to setup
  • no need to by manage
  • just lease rent
  • scales up and down well

Disadvantages ( know 1)

For the provider:

  • need to close consumption monitoring
  • need to deal constantly with price shock
  • fierce competition
  • need to constantly devise differantion strats.

for the user:

  • Need to deal with billing complexity
  • privacy concerns
  • lack of understanding how the infastructures work
  • perforamnce may be affected by other users.

Platform-as-a-serivce (PaaS)

  • Similar to IaaS but in addition to computing it handles
    • Dev tools
    • middle ware
    • file sharing
  • These resources and tools are enablers for dev testing and management

Advantages (know 1)

For provider:

  • Less dependency

for user:

Disadvantages (know 1)

  • Need to offer large varity
  • customer needs to be heavy user
  • carefully plan for migration

Software-as-a-serivce (SaaS)

  • Applications are hosted on vendors serveers

Advantages (know 1)

  • Increased profit
  • software reach for more and most users
  • decreased piracy
  • Transparent software updates
  • less liicense management
  • less on premis IT infra
  • lower upfront cost

Disadvantages (know 1)

  • difficult to provide with legacy software
  • bigger worries about implementing security
  • limited varity of application
  • limited functionality when compared to traditonal application
  • Connectivity requirement

What lies ahead (IMPORTANT)

Hybrid cloud platforms:

  • Big data
    • Large volumes of data that can be analyzed for insights that lead to better decisions and stategic business moves
    • Lots of data to reduce to little data
  • Machine Learning
    • is an application of AI that provides systems the abiltiy to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicility programed
  • Iot (internet of things)
    • system of interrrelated internet connected objects that are able to collect and transfer data over a wireless network without human intervention. the personal or buisness possiblties are endless
  • Fog computing
    • also called fog networking or fogging, describes decentrailized computing structure located between the cloud and deivces that produce data