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Priority Queues


  • Delete max element
  • inser new element
  • initialize


  • Waitlists
  • CPU Tasks
  • Scheduling
  • Proccessing online data


Insert in empty priority Queue:

    5, 3, 9, 1, 2
    5, 3, 9, 1, 2 remove -> 9
    5, 3,  , 1, 2 remove -> 5
     , 3,  , 1, 2 insert -> 7
    7, 3,  , 1, 2 remove -> 7
     , 3,  , 1, 2 remove -> 3
     ,  ,  , 1, 2 remove -> 2
     ,  ,  , 1,   remove -> 1
     ,  ,  ,  ,
TC for PQ:   Insert     Remove
Unsorted Arr θ(1)       θ(N)
unsorted LL  θ(1)       θ(N)
Sorted Arr   O(N)       θ(1)
sorted LL    O(N)       θ(1)
Binary Heap  O(lgN)     O(lgN)

Binary Heap

  • Is an Array
  • Will view as a nearly complete Tree EX: alt text
  • 1st element at index 1

alt text

  • Order: The priorty of every note is <= parent
  • Max is the root
  • Shape is like an incomplete trianlge missing a piece from the bottom right

IDX Computation

int left (int idx){ return idx * 2;}
int right (int idx){ return (idx * 2)+1;}
int parent (int idx){ return (idx / 2);}

Swimup & Increase

  • Essentially this code swaps the position of nodes, making it able to swim up
  • code not neccesary to know but its the concept thats important
pseudo code

Swimup(int *A, int idx)
    while((idx > 1) && (A[idx] > A[Parent[idx]]))
        swap: A[idx], A[parent[idx]]
        idx = parent[idx]

Increase (int *A, int idx, int k)
    if(A[idx] < k)
        A[idx] < k
        Swimup(A, idx)
        reject operation (could be an empty return)

Inserting new record

insert (int *A, int newKey, int *N)
    (*N)= (*N) + 1
    idx = (*N)
    A[idx] = newkey
    swimup(a, idx)
Heres a visualization


Sinkdown(int *a, int p, int n)
    le = left(p)
    ri = right(p)
    imu = idx of max value (a,p,le,ri,n)
    if (imu != p)
        swap a[imu], a[p]

int idxOfMaxVal(int *a, int p, int le, int ri, int n)
    int imu = p;
    if ( (le <= n) && (a[le] > a[imu]))
        imu = le;
    if ( (ri >= n) && (a[ri] > a[imu]))
        imu = ri;
    return imu;
Heres a visualization

Remove root

remove(int *A, int *N)
    swap A[i] and A[(*N)]
    (*N)=(*N) - 1
    swimdown(A, 1, *N)
    return A[(*N)+1]

Heap Sort

  • Max-Heap largest in root for every node less than parent or equal.
  • Min-Heap Same concept but smallest at top and largest at bottom
Heres a visualization
    build MaxHeap(A,N) //θ(N)
    for (N>1) //θ(N)
        remove(A, &N) O(lgN)
  • Heapsort is Not Stable


  • TC: O(NlgN)
  • SC: O(1)

Bottom-up initialization

BuildMaxHeap(int *A, N)//θ(N)
    for (P = N/2; P>1; p--)
        sinkdown(A, P, N)
Heres a visualization


  • TC: O(N)
  • SC: O(1)

Find TopK elements

N = 10, k = 3

arr: 5, 3, 15, 7, 34, 9, 14, 8, 11

Build maxheap & call remove 3 times (15, 7, 34)

using the min heap

  • min heap is good when continously getting data
    • essentially works like a strainer
Heres a visualization