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Structuring cache

Our goal: Appear to have Lots of fast , cheap memory

  1. How do we structure our cache to support having (and finding) what we want in cache as opposed to slower storage?
    1. Direct mapping - every block* maps to a specific place in cache
      1. *by block we mean a unit of memory values, for example, 16 bytes of memory sometimes the term “Block” gets used differently.

Ex. Suppose our cache can store 4 words. 1 wrd is 4 bytes or 16 bytes

  • In ARM words are stored in addresses ending in 0x00, 0x04, 0x08, 0x0C.
  • Pro: Always know where in cache to look for something (where it will be if it’s there)
  • Con: Only one thing that maps there, can be there at a time.
  1. Fully Associative
    • Any block can be in any cache “slot”
    • Pro: a block is not restricted to any particular slot, So any combination of blocks can be in cache at the same time (Up to the limited cache size)
    • Con:
      1. N-way set associative
        1. Combination of direct mapping and fully associative.
          1. Cache is divided into sets and each set holds n blocks.
          2. Every block of memory maps to a specific set.
  2. So if we are using set associative or fully associative, how do we decide what is replaced?
    1. Keep track of time since use and replace least recently used.
    2. Choose at random // our top priority is speed
  3. When do cache values get written back to memory?
    1. Write-Through → when cache is updated, also update corresponding value in memory.
  • **Pro: **always in sync
  • **Con: **Takes time
    1. Write-Back → Update memory only when the block in cache is replaced.

How do we quantify how well cache is being used?

  • When something we want is in cache, we have a hit. Otherwise, we have a miss.
  • These ideas lead to a hit rate and a miss penalty.

Average memory access time (AMAT)

AMAT = time in Loc1 + time in Loc2 + … + time in locN

Weight average

Absolute: %

Relative: %

Ex. Suppose we only have L1 cache and RAM, with these values.

                    L1      RAM
Hit Rate:           90%     10%
Total access time:  1ns     100ns
0.9		0.1

AMAT = 90%(1ns) + 10%(100ns)

= 0.9 ns + 10ns = 10.9ns

Ex.What if we add L2 cache, which accounts for 70% of the time not in L1? Assuming total access time = 20ns

Hit Rate 90% 70%(10%) == 7% 30%(10%) == 3%
Total access times 1ns 20ns 100ns

AMAT = 90%(1ns) + 7%(20ns) + 3%(100ns)

== .9(1ns) + .07(20ns) + .03(100ns)

== 5.3 ns (nano seconds, or billionths of a second)

Floating point (programming)

Floating point registers

  1. 32, 32-bit fp registers with names s0, s1,...s31

D0 = s1, s0

D1 = s3, s2

  • Can use D’s to do 64 big double floating point numbers
  • If we use d0 we cannot separately use s1 because its already been used

D16 – d31 (Are only 64 bit doubles, this class we should never get that far to need to use them)

In C

R0   r1	     s0

Float f(int a, int b, float c);

  • If its a float return in s0

For double


Double g()

CPSR and FPSCR (own floating point flag register)

  1. Can store in memory using




Pi: .float 3.14159

  1. Have many of the same instructions

    integer fp

    • Mov vmov Sometimes have to add .

    • Add vadd ex. Adding 2 32bit floating point nums

    • Ldr vldr vadd.f32 s0, s1, s2

    • .f32 means level of precision

  2. To convert

    vcvt .{dest type}.{source type} ← f32, f64, u32, s32

  3. Compare with

    • Vcmp.{type} fp1, fp2


    • Vcmp.{type} fp1, #0.0 ← only zero

    (you change the floating point flags, not int flags)

So if you do this

Bgt after ← its looking at the integer flags

  • We just need to copy floating point flags to int flags
  • Before we make that statement we need to write

Vmrs apsr_nzcv, fpscr

  1. Loads and stores

    Vldr Fp, [int register]

    → [r7] or [r3, #4] (the offset, but there is no saving) cannot do [r3, #4]! Or [r3], #4

    Vldr s0, [r3]

What do we do instead?

Can do this → add r3, r3, #4 (we manually add 4 to it)


1st 3, calculate memory access time

Program, start learning how to do floating point avg

1st subroutine, given address to get hw num to get calculate avg of grade

Write another subrotuine of exam1 and exam 2 grade to get a 90 in class for the final

S0-s15 are passed in for floating registers

How to calculate the average?

hw e1 e2 final Letter grade
25%(100) +25%(100) +30%(100) +20%(100) 90

(final) = 90 - 25%(100)-25%(100) - 30%(100) / 20%

Cant have a = b+c+d in assembly

(need to do partial sums)

Passing floating point numbers

Passing 32-bit integers

F ( r0, r1, … , r3) → result = r0

Passing 32-bit single precision floating point number

g(s0, s1, … , 515) → result = s0

Combining these?

–assembler figures it out

I.e. F( r0, s0, r1, s1) would be f( int, float, int, float)

Mulby2 assembly

.global mulBy2


	Ldr r1, = constant  @ get address of floating point


	Vldr s1, [r1]	@ load floating - point constant

	Vmul.f32 s0, s0, s1

	Bx lr


Constant: .float 2


	/*Input: s0 = float, r0 = int  *

*return: s0, =s0  * r0         */

	.global mulFPbyInt


	Vmov s2, r0 @ mov integer register value to FP register

	Vctv.f32.s32 s1, s2 @ convert from signed, 32-bit to fp

	Vmul.f32 s0, s0, s1

	Bx lr
  • Do a lot of incremental development


/*Input: s0 = float, s1 = float*

*Result: s0 = s0 * s1          */

	.global mulFloatByFloat


	Vmul.f3 s0, s0, s1

	Bx lr



input: d0, d1            

Result: d0 * d1 = d0 

Note: that d0 = s1,s0 and d1 = s3, s2


	.global mulDoublebyDouble


	Vmul.f64 d0, d0, d1

	Bx lr

Real roots


	S0 = a, S1 = b, S2 = c, R0 = float* root1, R1 float* root2

	If we have { 1, -8, 15} // roots are : 3, 5


	.global realRoots


	Mov r2, #0

	Str r2, [r0]	@ r1

	Str r2, [r1]	@ r2

	@ calculate discriminant

	Vmul.f32 s3, s1, s1 @ s3 =b^2

	Ldr r2, =four

	Vldr s4, [r2]  @ s4 = 4.0

	Vmul.f32 s4, s4, s0  @ s4 = s4 * a = 4a

	Vmul.f32 s4, s4, s2 @ s4 = s4 * c = 4ac

	Vsub.f32 s3, s3, s4 @ s3 = 5^2 - 4ac

	Vcm.f32 s3, #0.0 @ compare discriminat to 0

	Vmrs apsr_nzcv, fpscr @ copy fp flags to integer flags

 	Bxlt lr @ return if negative (imaginary roots)

	@ produce parts of expression

	Ldr r2, =two

	Vldr.f32 s2, [r2]

	Vmul.f32 s2, s2, s0 @ s2 = 2*a

	Vsqrt.f32 s3, s3 @ s= sqrt(s3) = sqrt(b^2 - 4 ac)

	Vneg.f32 s5, s1 @ s5 = -b

	@ caculate ( -b + sqrt(disc))/2a

	Vadd.f32 s4, s5, s3 @ s4 = -bt + sqrt (s3)

	Vdiv.f32 s4, s4, s2 @ s4 = s4/s2 = (-b + sqrt(discr))2/a

	Vstr.f32 s4, [r0] @ root 1


@ caculate ( -b - sqrt(disc))/2a

	Vsub.f32 s4, s5, s3 @ s4 = -bt - sqrt (s3)

	Vdiv.f32 s4, s4, s2 @ s4 = s4/s2 = (-b - sqrt(discr))2/a

	Vstr.f32 s4, [r1] @ root 2

	Bx lr


Two: .float 2

Four: .float 4

//push and pop on stack (same stack ptr)

Vpush {s0}

Vpop {s1-s5} 

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