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Pi vim cond.

   R0 = 99
   R1 = 5

   If r1 < 10
      R0 = 123
   Return r0
  .global _start
   Mov r0, #99
   Mov r1, #5
   Cmp r1, #10
   Bge _end /* we say its >= because thats the condition that skips over assigning a new value to r0 */
   Mov r0, #123

   Mov r7, #1
   swi 0

Overflow C code

#include <stdio.h>

Int main(void)
	Int i;
	Short x = 32766;

	For(i < 0; i < 10; i++)
		printf("x= %hd\n", x);
	Return 0;

Carry and overflows are both considered for overflows, they both flow out of their ranges.

If ( a<10 )

B = 99;


B = 123;

Return b;

If else in assembly

   R1 = 5

   If r1 < 10
      R0 = 9
      R0 = 123
   Return r0
  .global _start
   Mov r1, #5
   Cmp r1, #10
   Bge else
   Mov r0, #99
   B _end 

   Mov r0, #123

   Mov r7, #1
   swi 0

In math

3 < x < 99

In programming

3 < x and x < 99

In c its legal to do this


If (3 < x < 99)

  • What happens though
  • It always evaluates as true
  • It check 3 < x which will always be true
  • What you should write instead

If (3 < x && x < 99)

ADD {cond}

  • Mov
  • Moveq
  • Movs
  • Moveqs

If ( a<10 )

B = 99; → do if a < 10


B = 123; → do if not T

Return b;

The trade off is that a branch can take cycle time, but it can also avoid looking at 20 different problems without one

If you care abt speed, dont do branches then

Conditionals w/out jumps/breaks

  .global _start
   Mov r1, #5
   Cmp r1, #10
   movlt r0, #99 //mov if r1 < 10
   Movlt r2, #999 
   Movge r0, 123 // mov if r1 >= 10
   Movge r2, #1234
   Add r1, r2

   Mov r7, #1
   swi 0

Some things are alliased in assembly and in programming in general

When disassembling you won’t know which Allias that person used to actually type that program

Moveq aka → Conditional executing


prof Pet peeves

  • The for loop is used when number of times known to run and while is used when its unknown
  • Absolutes
    • Things that are required to be a certain way
  • Idioms or conventions
    • Expressions that dont translate literally
  • Preferences

C gives you a whole lot of freedom on how you format it.

Obfuscated C contest

Code that works but is absolutely unreadable

Back to loops

For ( ; ; );

Thats legal in C

Any or all of the 3 parts are optional

Difference between movw and mov

Mov R1, #999

Movw R1, #999

2^10 = 1024 = 11 bits

2^9 = 512 = 10 bits

101 << 3

999 takes 10 bits

Movw does not shift, but it devotes 16 bits to store!

With movw it stores that number exactly. You have a much greater range you can store but you have a bunch of holes in it.

Diff. between movw and movt

  • Movt also stores 16 bit number
  • Doesnt clear out what was previously stored in a register
  • Combination of movw and movt allows us to put a specific 32 bit pattern into a register
    • Movw is lower 16 bits and movt is upper 16 bits
     .global _start 
   Mov r1, #0xF0000000

   moww r1, #0x1234

    Movt r1, #0xABCD

   Mov r7, #1 \
   swi 0</code>

Back to loops

  • Writing this loop in assembly
Sum = 0;
i= 1;

While ( i &lt; 4 )

First method is conceptional way

Second method is what is normally seen.

For the most part we use cmp nmemonics

But can use subs if needed

  • Opposite of < is >=

Conceptional way of loops in ASM

  .global _start
   Mov r0, #0  @sum = 0
   Mov r1, #1 @ i = 1

   Cmp r1, #4
   Bge _end
   Add r0, r0, r1
   Add r1, r1, #1

   b loop
   Mov r7, #1
   swi 0

They basically turned the structure to a do while loop except it doesnt run onces before testing

While (i &lt; 4);

In c you can use goto, but needs a label

Goto bottom;

Do { sum+=1; I++; Bottom: ; }

While (i < 4);

This form is more standard

  • Because we jmp to the bottom we will do the comparison we think we do

do while in ASM


.global _start _start: Mov r0, #0 @sum = 0 Mov r1, #1 @ i = 1 B bottom Loop: Add r0, r0, r1 @ sum = sum + i Add r1, r1, #1 @ i++ can be written add r1, #1

Cmp r1, #4 Blt loop

_end: Mov r7, #1 swi 0

* Goto is frowned upon in C

* Because it creates spaghetti code

If you go to the trouble to write assembly you care about efficiency and performance reasons

Benefit to of the conventional over the intuitive way


* Cmp
* B over the body
* execute
* Then branch to top

If you did this cmp 100 times and the first 99 dont use b to bottom, you have to compare every time, basically doing the intuitive way double the branches


* B to bottom → 1 time only
* Body
* Cmp
* branch if true to top

In this scenario we execute the branch half the amount of times as intuitive way

* Modern computers when they are pipelined try to get ahead, when it makes the wrong choice you can get branch penalty, where it guesses wrong.
* Convential way gets less branch statements and less penalties

Why should you learn assembly

* To understand assembly you need to know the machine better
* But to understand the machine better you need to know assembly

This class is about understanding the machine more than making efficient assembly code.