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Queue is a linear data structure which follows a particular order in which the operations are preformed as FIFO First in first out

Like a line at the post office Lines have a head and a tail,

Operations on queue

  • Enqueue adds item to the queue
  • Dequeue removes an item from the queue

Head front Tail end

Node for a queue look the same as a normal node

Typedef struct node
	Int node_number;
	Struct node *next_ptr;

Node *Quehead = NULL, *QueueTail = NULL;


Void enQueue(int newnodenumber, node **Queuehead, node **QueueTail)
Node *NewNode = malloc(sizeof(node));
	newnode->node_number = nodenumber;
	newnode->next_ptr = NULL;
	/* queue is empty */
	if(*Queuehead == NULL)
		*Queuehead = *Queuetail = Newnode;
		(*queuetail)->next_ptr = newnode;
		*queueeTail = newnode;


Void deQueue( node **Queuehead)
Node *tempPtr = (*QueueHead)->next_ptr;

if(*Quehead == NULL)
	printf(“Queue is empty\n\n”);
	*Queuehead = tempptr;

Traversing stacks and queues is like traversing linked lists.

Typedef struct node
	Int node_num;
	Struct node *next_ptr;


How functions are normally called

  • When calling a function, main gets put on pause and executes the function called executes And if cat calls dog, then it also pauses
  • When they’re all called they are all running but paused
  • When dog is done, it returns to cat and puts whatever value it has Then cat finishes up and then main can continue.
  • The memory all these functions are taken up we need it, if we call to many then bad stuff

Recursions are functions that call themselves

But how does it stop??

Recursion existed long before computers, its like factorials A recursive function for math is

N! = n * (n - 1)!

That into code looks like

Recursion is used with algorithms

Int factorial (int n)
	If ( n == 0 )
		Return 1; // this is our stopping point
		Return (n * factorial ( n - 1)); //this helps n get to 0 to stop

Int main (void)
	Int input, output;

	printf("Enter an input for the factorial " );
	scanf("%d", &input);

	Output = factorial(input);

	printf(" the result of %d! Is %d\n\n", input, output);
	Return 0;

We are creating an execution environment in recursions With a factorial of 4 creates 5 function environments

  • They can use a lot of memory quickly
  • Reqursions are really fast but eat up your memory quickly
  • Debugging recursive code is interesting…

Recursive program to sum range of natural numbers

Int main(void)
	Int num;
	printf("Enter a positive integer: ");
	scanf("%d", &num);

	printf("sum of all natural numbers from %d to 1 = %d\n", num, addnumbers(num));

Int addnumbers (int n)
	If ( n != 0 )
		Return n + addnumbers(n-1); // this is our stopping point
		Return n; //this helps n get to 0 to stop
  • Not every recursive thing needs to return something to the previous step

Noo looping but it prints down and back up

  • Each of these calls to printfun(test-1) is a separate environment of the function and is a copy of printfun(int test) why it prints down back up
Void printfun(int test)
	if  (test < 1)
		printf(“%d”, test);
		printf(“%d”, test);

Not normally looks like this But instead like this:

Void printfun(int test)
	if  (test >= 1)
		printf(“%d”, test);
		printf(“%d”, test);
  • Implicit else and just returns because it doesnt need a return when its void

Functional programming: dont use loops, use recursions

Fibonacci series

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 Prev num + next num

Occurs in nature, forms a spiral Golden ratio is fibonacci

Fibonacci can be expressed recurssivly

Unsigned long long int fibonacci (unsigned int in)
	If ( n == 0 || n == 1)
		Return n;
		Return fibonacci (n-1)+ fibonacci(n-2);

Fibonacci with recursion is slower than other methods

Any problem that can be solved recursivly can be solve iteraivly (looping)

Depends on wheen you should and shouldnt use recursion

Tree Data Structure

Linked lists,stacks and queues are linear structures

  • One node follows another
  • Each node contains ptr to next node

Trees are non-linear

  • More than one node can follow another
  • Each node contains pointers to an arbitrary number of nodes
  • Number of nodes can vary
  • Trees organize data hiearchily instead of linearly
  • Like a family tree
  • Trees we draw upside down, root is at the top

Binary tree

Binary tree, is a tree with up to 2 child nodes, Two children are called left and right nodes Parent nodes are nodes with children, parent nodes can be achild nodes themselves

  • Binary trees are used for a lot of different things
  • 0 1 or 2 nodes only
  • Top of the tree is the root
  • Parents because they have children, and are children
  • Children are also parents if they have children themselve
  • *hildren who arent parents, are called leaf
  • Link between nodes are called edges
  • Length of the path from the root is called depth
  • Height is from the deepest leaf to the root

Binary tree node

Typdef Struct node
	Int node_number;
	Struct node *left_ptr;
	Struct node *right_ptr;
Struct node *root;

Same malloc, data, only need to set left and right ptrs to null

Add node to binary tree Normal linked list setup Now we need to set parents left or right ptr to the child, how do we figure out how to do it?

Node *createNewNode (int nodeNumber) //pass in the data
	Node *node = malloc(sizeof(nodE));
	node->left_ptr = NULL;
	node->right_pr = NULL;

	node->node_number = nodenumber;

	printf(“node number %d %p\n”, nodenumber, node);

	Return node;
Struct node *root;

Root = createnewnode(1);
root->left_ptr = createnewnode(2); //put in left for now
root->right_ptr = createnewnode(3); //put in right ptr

Binary tree vs binary search tree

Binary tree = maximum of two child nodes, no order to how the nodes are organized

Binary search tree

  • Maximum of 2 child nodes, there is a relative order
  • We apply rules to make it a binary search tree
  • We are not going to deal with duplicate node values (its irrelevant to coding assignment, and is a lot of work)


  • Values in left subtree are less than their parents
  • Values in right subtree are greater than its parents
  • The shape of the binary search tree (want binary search tree to be balanced as possible)


  • Every to the left is less, everything to the right is great for every Node
  • Order of how the data is imputed is how the tree will look

Tree structures will be traversed in a way

#@ Tree Traversal

Breadth-first order

Cover whole layer of nodes, then the next layer (this is for algorithms class)


We go down a branch, then back up, then back down

Inorder traversal

  • Give us the nodes in increasing order
  • Sequential order

Preorder traversal

  • Parent nodes are traversed first before the child nodes
  • Used to get a copy of the BST
  • File systems us it to track your movements through files

Postorder traversal

  • Used to delete the tree
  • File systems use it to delete folders containing folders/files
Preorder //root first
	Root, left, right
Postorder //root last
	Left right root
Inorder //root in middle 
	Left, root , right

Left right root = postorder
Root Left Right = preorder
Left root Right = inorder
Node *root = NULL;
AddBSTNode(&root, node_data);
void AddBSTNode(BNODE **BSTnode, char MTN[], char ZC[], char FN[], char DIM[])
	// If passed in BNODE is empty, then current BNODE becomes root
    if (*BSTnode == NULL)
        *BSTnode = malloc(sizeof(BNODE));
		(*BSTnode)->left = (*BSTnode)->right = NULL;
		(*BSTnode)->MovieTheaterName = malloc(strlen(MTN) * sizeof(char) + 1);
        strcpy((*BSTnode)->MovieTheaterName, MTN);
        strcpy((*BSTnode)->ZipCode, ZC);
		(*BSTnode)->FileName = malloc(strlen(FN) * sizeof(char) + 1);
        strcpy((*BSTnode)->FileName, FN);
        strcpy((*BSTnode)->Dimensions, DIM);
        if (strcmp(ZC, (*BSTnode)->ZipCode) < 0)
			AddBSTNode(&(*BSTnode)->left, MTN, ZC, FN, DIM);
        else if(strcmp(ZC, (*BSTnode)->ZipCode) > 0)
            AddBSTNode(&(*BSTnode)->right, MTN, ZC, FN, DIM);
            printf(" Duplicate Element !! Not Allowed !!!");


Final Quiz Topics

FEQ1 Base conversions Recursion Command line argos Debug String handling Twos complement Bitwise operators FEQ2 File handling Structs Malloc Pointers Dont forget taco bell Need to malloc space for the array

Lines of code laveld with a letter, match the code laveled
Use comments to pick correct ording
It must work as a program, and match the comments

FEQ3 Linked lists Given code that forms a linked list can you Add a node to the start Display linked list Add a node to the end Delete a node from the l list FEQ4 Stacks and queues Same thing, can you put it in order Push and pop node Explain what a stack is

	Can you enqueue

Also displaying queue and stack

FEQ5 BST Add a node to BST Can you traverse BST Preorder, inorder, postorder