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Bit byte vs word

  • Binary digit - bit
    • Holds 0 or 1 on or off true or false
  • Byte is 8 bits in 1
  • Word could be one or more bytes

Types of Expression

  • Every expression has an associated type
  • 3+4 = 7, we know they’re ints
  • 3 + 4.1 = 7.1
  • 3 is an int, and 4.1 is a float
  • 3 < 4 = 1 true · Unary operation
  • ++cat · Binary
  • Cat + dog · In a binary operation, both operands are converted to the dominating type
  • Result is dominating type · Automatic typecasting, converts types based on dominance

Forced type conversion

Type casts

· The type of an expression can be temporarily changed with a type cast · Can be constructed with any off the basic types in C · No restrictions on the use of type casts

  • Floats do not have precise storage in computers Data may be lost in this process.

Memory buffer and C executable file

· Stdin Memory buffer

  • When scanf is runned, it looks inside stdin
  • Enter key is \n · C executable
  • Pulls in and checks stdin
  • Puts out variables to stdout · Stdout
  • Memory buffer
  • Variables get put here
  • Stdout puts out what needs to be displaye*

Bit operations on the ints

· Least significant bit

  • The bit in a binary number that is of the lowest numerical value · Most significant bit
  • The bit in binary number that is the highest numberical value · 10101100
  • 1 is most significant
  • 0 least significant · Count right to left, start from 0 · Bitwise negation
  • ~
  • Flip the bits
  • Replaces all the 0 bits by 1 and all of the 1 bits by 0
  • Basically a mirror image of binary · Bitwise AND
  • & <- one of these
  • && is logical operation
  • Takes binary, stack them on top of the bits and combine them,
  • 1 & 1 is 1 , 1 & 0 is 0, 0 & 1 is 0 , 0 & 0 is 0 · Bitwise OR
  • |
  • Same thing with logical or but with bits · Bitwise XOR
  • ^
  • Same logic but with every bit

Bit masks

· Is a number that we can & | ^ · To detect whether or not a certain bit is on or off · To turn a bit on or off · 16 bit numbers to be able to use as flags · 2^(whatever bit) we wanna know is on or off using &

  • Result is 0 if off
  • Result is 2^(bit) if on ex 64 = 2^6 · XOR can turn off the bits, and can turn it on
  • 0 ^ 1 is = 1 1 ^ 0 = 0
  • Essentially subtracting but for computers
  • Also can turn it on whatever it’s worth, adding · Using non powers of 2, results in adding and subtracting · Can be used to determine if number odd or even
  • Check the last bit to determine if odd or even 0 = even, 1 = odd
  • 2^0 = 1


  • Shifts left <<
    • 00000001
    • 00000010
    • Used for multiplication
  • Shifts right >>
    • 10000000
    • 01000000
    • Used for division

Random Number Generator

  • Int rand(void)
    • Gives you a pseudo random number in the range of 0 to RAND_MAX
    • RAND_MAX is a constant
  • rand() % 50
    • Gives it a specified range
    • 0 - 49
    • In stdlib.h
  • Pseudo random number
    • Pulls from a list of random number
    • Doesnt actually generate random numbers
  • srand()
  • srand(time(0))
    • Seed rand, seeds the random number generator to start at a different place in the list
    • We pass time(0) since Epoch into this to seed the generator
      • To start in a different set of random numbers
      • Since it changes every second
    • Need to include stdlib.h
    • And time.h
    • For this
    • Srand should be at the top of int main, should not be called more than once or be used in a function
  • Random number within a range
    • Dont want it hardcoded, use a special formula
    • How to find random number inclusively between 32 and 87
    • Making the mod (end-start) correct size but not in the right spot in number line
      • rand() % (end-start+1) + start;
      • Used to find a number within the range of what u want
        • rand() % (87-32+1) + 32;
  • Random numbers are NOT unique
  • For coding assignment 3 we need to come up with these numbers to be unique
  • How do you get unique numbers
    • Basically set the formula rand() % (end-start+1) + start and fill it up in an array, asking if the number generator generates something unique and then putting that in said array and keep on asking it within a range


  • Aggregate type
  • Ised to store collections of related data
  • Multiple values of the same data type can eb stored with one variable name.
  • Ways to initialize array
    • Method 1 the array declaration
      • Comma separated list enclosed in braces
        • Char cat [] = {}
        • NOT reserving space in memory
        • Only can leave it empty if you fille the
  • Initialization of arrays out of bounds
    • You can overwrite memory
    • Can lead to seg faults
    • Overflow
  • Storing and printing arrays
    • Dont need & for printing %s
  • Passing arrays
    • Calling functions
      • Do not use the brackets when passing arrays
      • Passing address of the array with its name
      • Not possible to pass acopy of the array as ta parameter
    • function(array)
    • Void function(int array[])

/* 512 loop* /

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main()
    uint8_t a = 0;
    uint8_t b = 6;
    int a_equal_b, a_less_than_b, a_greater_than_b;
    printf("a\t a == b\t a < b\t a > b\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++)
        printf("%u\t %u\t %u\t %u\n", a, a==b, a<b, a>b);
    return 0;

/* 32 loop */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main()
    uint8_t a = 0;
    uint8_t b = 6;
    int a_equal_b, a_less_than_b, a_greater_than_b;

    printf("a\t a == b\t a < b\t a > b\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
        printf("%u\t %u\t %u\t %u\n", a, a==b, a<b, a>b);
        a = (a+1) % 16;

    return 0;

4 bit adding in binary

  • 1111 all bits are on 1111=15
  • 1001
  • Binary addition
    • Pretty much know this
  • If you have a 5th bit when adding in 4 bits you overflow
    • Take away 5th number
    • Same thing in 8 bit world

Two’s complement

  • How do we represent negative numbers in binary
  • Several ways
    • Using sign bit
    • One’s complement
    • Two’s complement
  • Two’s complement is the most commonly used technique
  • Sign bit
    • Cut the circle in half
    • Positive 5 in binary
    • 0101 = 5
    • If we use the first bit to determine the sign, then negative 5 is
    • 1101 = -5
      • Cant take 5 and -5 to get 0
      • You get 2
  • One’s complement
    • Flips all bits,
    • 5 + -5 = -0
    • Inverting all the bits makes the calculation off by 1
  • Two’s complement
    • Get an extra negative number -8
    • 5 + -5 = 0
    • Just works
    • Works like how our numbers work
    • Everything lines up great
    • “It just works, it just fuckin works”
  • How to calculate it
    • Flip the bits
    • Add 1
    • Thats how you get 2’s compliment
    • 0101
    • 1010 flip
    • 1011 add 1
  • Looking at the binary number out of context you cant tell if it’s negative or positive


  • Type
  • Name
  • Parameters
  • Executable inside
    • Parameters
      • What type they are
      • What order they are in
      • How many there are
    • These 3 things make up function signature
      • the functions name
  • Default type for C is type int
    • Any other type must be explicitly declared
  • Type must match expression
    • Return cat ~ cat = float return type = float
  • Void is used for not returning anything
  • Functions aren’t required to return a type
  • If a function does return a value do we need to catch it
    • Nope

Function prototypes

  • Way to introduce them to the compiler, to let them know what they look like
  • Take definition, copy past add ;
  • In them variable names dont really matter
  • What does compiler do with the prototype
    • Do a lot of things but mainly matches things up
    • Plays a little matching game

Ternary operators

  • 3 things
  • Ternary if
    • If else to a 1 line statement
  • Only a simple if else and needs to be same variable
Variable = (condition) ? expr1 : expr2

If (bit1 & 2
        bit1 =1;
        Bit1 = 0;
Ternary if

Bit1 = (bit1 % 2) ? 1 : 0;

two-dimensional array

  • Split up in row columns [0][0]
  • [] rows [] columns
  • [6] [4] 6 1diminesional arrays with 4 cells

When passing 1d array dont specify value First dimension blank when passing 2d array but not the 2nd [][5] Calling them just the name

Passing parameters to functions

Two basic methods

  • Pass by value
    • A copy is made when you pass
  • Pass by references
    • Pass it by the addresses storage location
    • Operations are done directly on parameter

In C

  • All parameters pased by value
  • No ability to pass by reference does not exist
  • Arrays are exceptions by using pointers which simulate it

segmentation faults

  • When u do something bad
  • When you attempted to access a restricted area of memory,
  • The operating system is not happy about this


  • Is a tool to help you locate logic problems
  • Also shows the line of code causing segfault
  • Printing to screen is not as effective due to buffering
    • Its waste of time with print statements
    • Debug is faster
    • Printing is buffered, when program died, buffer dies
  • This is a weapon against logic issues Why use GDB and not some other debug
  • Works on any unix linux system
  • Widley available
  • Works with RPI
    • Many ides use the same words, but use icons stead of typing
    • Learning them on cml helps you learn debugging in general
  • GDB: The GNU Project Debugger
    • When you compile your program you need to run the option to add debugging
      • -g
      • Gdb a.out
      • Quit
      • Most debug commands can be run by their first letter
    • List
      • List 1- will show the first 10 lines of the program
      • List n- will show the 5 lines before n and 4 lines after n 10 lines
      • List x,y - will show lines x through y
      • List function_name - wil show 4 lines before and after start of function
    • Break on main -always
    • Run - start program
    • Print /t prints int in binary
    • Print /x - print int in hex
    • Ptype - way to see definition of variable
  • Step
    • Steps into function
  • Next
    • Executes line of code
    • Doesnt go into function but executes it all
  • Watch
    • Sets watchpoint for an expression
      • Gdb will break when the expression is written into by the pgram and its values change
  • Backtrace - display which functions have been called